The 40 over 40 project: Portraits of Sarah

Over the course of 2022 and early 2023 I am photographing amazing people in their 40's, 50's, 60's and above, for a one of a kind empowering experience, celebrating their lives and stories.

It's time to start a conversation about the beauty of aging. We need to change the way the world and media define it, and to embrace the freedom and confidence of finally being comfortable in your own skin.

Thank you so much to Sarah for helping me show the world what 40+ and fabulous looks like!

Tell me a little about yourself! Life, family, work, hobbies!

I’m a 46 year old single mum to two amazing daughters who are without doubt the greatest achievements in my life! We lived over in Manchester but moved back home to Barrowford almost 6 years ago and it was the best decision I could’ve made. Both girls have flourished here and I got my fabulous studio in Higherford Mill within a month of moving back. I work full time as a visual artist and have found my niche in painting monochrome acrylic portraits, each with a little ‘edge’. I’m also passionate about working with arts for wellbeing. I have suffered with my mental health for probably as long as I can remember and during my breakdown after having my second daughter I was referred by my GP to an arts on prescription course at a creative arts and wellbeing centre and it saved my life. I would like to be a part of making this type of service as widely available as possible, I believe wholeheartedly in its efficacy.

What made you decide to apply for my 40 over 40 project?

I’ve admired your work for ages, your talent for creating beautiful portraits had me captivated from the first time I saw a friend post some pictures you’d taken of her. I’ve wanted to book in for a shoot but never felt confident enough, my body has never been great. Then a chance appeared wHen you did a model call for a boudoir shoot and it felt like a big neon sign from the universe!

Why do you think the 40 over 40 project is important?

I think it’s a difficult thing being a woman of any age with the constant pressure of what we ‘should’ look like and it’s always been a part of my own battle with my body. But particularly once you hit 40… men can age and be admired for their ‘dad bod’ (I do love a dad bod though!) and distinguished grey hair. Us women are still expected to keep slim, don’t show any grey hair, dress nicely but not too young, blah blah blah… don’t look like ‘mutton dressed as lamb’ god I hate that phrase!!! Because you’re only valid if you’re young and fertile!! The 40 over 40 project is essential to show that we are still beautiful, attractive, desirable and godamned QUEENS with our older, softer and way more experienced bodies!!

How has your relationship with your body/self image changed as you've aged?

I till battle with my self image and have a love/hate relationship with my body still. However, I am trying to change the conversation I have with myself about how my body looks now. I’m trying harder to accept my softer shape, my squishy bits, the belly that once upon a time I could flatten with a couple of weeks of eating nothing but cornflakes! I know I could get myself back into running and I’d eventually to be up and slim down… but then I’d also lose my glorious boobs, the one bit of my body that I love! So I may never love my body but I’m working on accepting it

What would you say to your younger self with regards to advice on getting older?

I would tell my younger self to stop obsessing over being ‘fat’… I was a size 10-12 for the majority of my late teens and 20’s and looking back I had a great figure that I never actually enjoyed! After having children my weight fluctuated much more and I’ve varied between size 12 and 18. I think what I’d try to make myself understand is that your worth as a woman is NOT intrinsically linked to the size of your clothes.

How did you find the experience as a whole?

I loved every second of the whole experience! From the first meeting a few days before the shoot right through the shoot and on to the reveal night!

Donna you are an incredibly talented photographer, there is absolutely no doubt about that, your imagery and your use of light is stunning. But as well as your creative skills, you are a magnetic person. Your ability to connect with people and to make them feel comfortable, confident and valuable is how you’re able to capture the essence of each person in your photographs. I honestly don’t think anyone else could’ve captured me the way you did. You are a very special woman!

You couldn’t have done any more than you did. You told me everything I needed to know. It was great to meet up beforehand so I already felt completely at ease with you on the day of the shoot. You’re a consummate professional but you still made it feel like a friend was photographing me. The whole day was perfect! I felt pampered having my hair and make up done, the outfits we planned were perfect, everything was completely organised and the whole process was seamless. I felt special, sexy, confident and I felt like I was in the most capable hands ever. Your direction made everything feel so much easier too. I can honestly say there was nothing at all that I felt needed improvement. Allie’s make up was absolutely beautiful, she face the exact look I asked for. I loved having my hair curled and it looked ace (despite being the most stubborn hair that refuses to hold a curl!!) I loved the look so much that I went out with it all still in place that night!

How did you feel when you saw your finished images?

I loved every single image and wish I could have bought ALL of them. Donna you captured something in me that I don’t think I’ve ever really shown! I couldn’t believe how good I looked in the images and I find it really hard to say that about myself! The products you supply are exquisite, the finish is just beautiful. The format of the large portfolio box frames is something I’ve not seen before and they really are the most beautiful way to present your stunning images.

I would recommend this to anyone and I would say don’t even think about it, just do it! I know that you could make any woman feel like the most fabulous version of herself. I hope I’ve conveyed just how much this has meant to me, you’ve really helped me in my mission to change my own inner narrative. These are more than ‘just photographs’, they’re a foundation for me to build my body confidence on.

Now some questions just for a bit of fun!

Favourite colour?

Literal opposites, green and orange

Favourite music genre/artist/band?

I have fairly eclectic music taste but am probably an indie kid at heart

Favourite food?

I’d love to say it’s avocado or salad (which I do love) but in reality it’s crisps!

What does your ideal day include?

Crisps! Ha!

If I got to spend some time with my daughters, have coffee with friends, do some painting and watch some live music then I reckon it would be a pretty perfect day

Do you have a favourite quote?

‘Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.’ - Soren Kierkegaard

Your favourite movies?

Amelie, The Matrix, Serendipity, Rocky Horror Picture Show… bit of a mixed bag!

Your most treasured possession?

I’m not sure if I really have one, I think the only things I couldn’t live without are my girls

An odd fact about you or do you have a party trick?

I don’t think I have a party trick as such, although I like to perform the whole falsetto rap verses of Sabotage by Beastie Boys when I’ve had a few gins


The 40 over 40 project-Lindsay


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