The 40 over 40 project-Lindsay

Over the course of the next couple of years I am photographing amazing people in their 40's, 50's, 60's and beyond, for a one of a kind empowering experience, celebrating their lives and stories.

It's time to start a conversation about the beauty of aging. We need to change the way the world and media define it, and to embrace the freedom and confidence of finally being comfortable in your own skin.

Thank you so much to Lindsay for helping me show the world what 40+ and fabulous looks like!

Tell me a little about yourself! Life, family, work, hobbies!

I live in Worcestershire, I have 3 children, 21, 18 and 15. I manage a manufacturing company and in my spare time I mostly enjoy doing f**k all! And my favorite times are doing f**k all with my pooch Laszlo!

What made you decide to apply for my 40 over 40 project?

The last couple of years have been tumultuous to say the least. I lost everything in a house fire in 2020, including my gorgeous puppy Rory. We were all badly hurt in the fire, my beautiful daughter Olivia the most affected being burnt so badly. This kind of made me re-evaluate things, I'd been married for 17 years and while I loved him I wasn't truly in love or truly happy. It was a bit of an epiphany of 'is this it!?' It was the hardest decision of my life to leave, truly heart-breaking but it was the right one for me, we'd been together since I was so young and I never really knew who I was on my own. Now I've lost weight, got a new amazing job and a new pooch too! The opportunity to be photographed by Donna came at just the right time for me, I didn't know who this new me was, I needed help to see what other people could see and Donna gave me such confidence!

portraits of a woman in her 40s wearing a black dress and silver hair

Why do you think the 40 over 40 project is important?

So when I was 16 I wouldn't wear a bikini (I was a size 10), when I was 18 I wouldn't let me boyfriend see my tummy, after my first baby I went up to a 14-16 and I hated myself, after 2 more babies and then upto a size 18-20 I would've given anything to be that size 10 16 year old who thought she was fat! I've never been happy with myself, I'd scrutinise photos of myself, I'd grab something to cover myself up with so my partner wouldn't see my wobbly bits. But something changed, now my partner squidges my belly because he loves it and I would walk down the street naked if I didn't think I'd get arrested. I feel empowered, strong and beautiful, which is how I wish every human felt all the time!

How has your relationship with your body/self image changed as you've aged?

Oooh I think I might've accidentally answered that on the last question. Basically I wish I was as fat as I was the first time I thought I was fat!

portraits of a woman in her 40s wearing a black dress and silver hair

Do you have a story to share about your experiences getting older? Things you'd say to your younger self, advice on getting older?

If I could talk to 16 year old me I genuinely don't think it would make a difference. I had people telling me I was beautiful and that I had a great figure but I was so stuck in my own head, so convinced that I didn't look the way I was supposed to look, in clothes or out of them that nothing anyone said would make a difference. I think that a woman's body changes so much over the years and when you factor in 3 pregnancies, all of those hormone fluctuations and the pressure from all around to look a certain way, to do certain things it's no wonder we all feel so shit about ourselves. But I know this much, whether I was skinny or chubby I was unhappy, if I was a working mum I felt guilty and if I was a stay at home mum I felt guilty and everything that has happened to my family lays so heavily on my shoulders and my heart that sometimes I think I'll sink. But what I will say to everyone is that you will eventually get to a point when you just stop giving a shit, you won't care who likes you, who's impressed by you, you won't worry if you're enough because you're not competing against anyone else, you are just being the best you you can be. Some days I move mountains, other says I don't move off the sofa, it doesn't fluffin matter!

How did you find the experience as a whole?

It was wonderful! Not the least because it involved a road trip/shopping trip with my daughter and best mate Olivia! I was nervous as hell and I'm timid too but Donna made me feel so at ease, she teased that confidence out of me that by the second half of the shoot I was asking her if I would get naked! It was such a positive, confidence giving experience and the fact that I got to see my little girl go through the same was just perfect!

How was the process for you leading up to your shoot, did you feel you had all the info you need?

It was all perfect, obviously we're not local to it all had to be done differently but it went really well I think. My hair and makeup was so great, my hair was in such a shit condition but you guys made me look amazing!

I was so chuffin happy when I saw my finished images but I got more joy seeing Olivia's though, she needed to see that she's still bloody gorgeous!!

portraits of a woman in her 40s wearing a black dress and silver hair with a younger woman daughter with a red dress and red hair embracing

What would you say to someone who was considering taking part in the 40-over-40 project?

Oh my god, do it! It's worth it just to meet you and have a pamper, the fact you get gorgeous photos at the end of it is a brucey bonus!

Favourite colour?


Favourite music genre/artist/band?

At the moment I'd have to go Paramour!

Favourite food?


Whats your ideal day include?

Cheese! ha ha! My favourite people, my pooch and no plans whatsoever!

Do you have a favourite quote?

“I Don't Know S**t About F**k.”

Your favourite movies?

Fifth Element, Labyrinth, Dirty Dancing, Star Wars, Back to the Future, Indiana Jones, Gremlins,

Ghostbusters, can you tell I was an 80s kid!?

Your most treasured possession?

My self worth!

portraits of a woman in her 40s wearing a black dress and silver hair with a younger woman daughter with a red dress and red hair embracing black and white image

Thank you SO much Lindsay for sharing your story about the effect hitting your 40s has had on you, and for sharing about your experience being photographed by me!

If you want to see a little more of Lindsays shoot including behind the scenes videos etc, enjoy the tiktok video I made below!

And if you would like to take part in my 40 over 40 project, visit the following link for more information: 40 over 40 Project


The Warrior Project: Portraits of Olivia, Burns Survivor.


The 40 over 40 project: Portraits of Sarah